After graduating and working service field jobs such as financial, real estate law enforcement, military, and security, Oreoagney Redcross and Todd Jones founded Elite Tactical Security Solutions LLC; The Sister Company of Scorpion Security Solutions LLC, in 2018. They had the vision of transforming the event security and security service industry into one where people could feel safer and happier as a direct result of ETS’s vigilance and service. ETS has fulfilled this vision by building a senior team of esteemed security professionals and public safety experts. We also continue to recruit people who possess the foundation of service acumen necessary to positively impact each person they encounter.
ETS provides team members training that includes a variety of innovative state-of-the-art security skills necessary to be vigilant in the ever-changing environments we work in.
ETS has hired and trained thousands of people and has grown from providing service for large and complex sports & entertainment venues and conferences, to providing total security and safety solutions to commercial properties, residential communities, and all facilities where people congregate or where assets need protecting.